
Croatian and Hungarian participants exchanged experiences on music culture

For one week, Koprivnica came musically alive thanks to the SHARE MUSIC project. Along with the activity “Music Box”, the week was additionally musically enriched with the activity “Experience exchange” on July 22 and 23, 2021. The aim of the event was to strengthen the capacity of local government clerks, music event organizers and members of various associations included in the promotion of music. Ten participants from Hungary and Croatia took part in afternoon and evening meetings and evening concerts of local musicians. Through presentations and videos during four meetings, the Hungarian participants were acquainted with the music life of Koprivnica by Croatian music experts: Music teacher Mihael Kivač, Filip Klauček (Music Center Musicorum), Marin Hraščanec (Jazz club „Koprivnica“), Ivan Pišpek (Association RockLive), Denis Tkalčec (band „Mejaši“), Ariana Šandl (principal of Art School „Fortunat Pintarić“) and musician Ivan Grobenski. This type of cooperation gives a good insight into organizing concerts for the broader public and the promotion of the work of local musicians. In the evenings, participants of “Experience exchange” enjoyed concerts on Koprivnica main town square (“Zrinski trg”). The featured concerts included Folklore dance ensemble „Koprivnica“, Tamburica band „Mjesečina“, and the event was concluded with the concert of Filip Rudan. The “Exchange experience” event will continue in Hungary, should the epidemiological situation allow. 


Music knows no bounds, nationalities, geographic or language differences, which makes the “Experience exchange” activities a solid foundation for the connection of young people living in that area of both countries.

By creating a mutual cooperation of the two cities and by ensuring the support of the stakeholders the support to the music sector will be created, with the special emphasis on encouraging new talents and active participation in music. 



“This event has been realized with the financial assistance of the European Union. The content of the document is the sole responsibility of City of Koprivnica and Municipality of Hévíz and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union and/or the Managing Authority.”